Lower your cholesterol the natural way – GUGGULU

Overall, 39% of the total adult population globally had high total cholesterol levels. Cholesterol, a waxy, fat‐like substance (lipid) found in the cell membrane, is a precursor of bile acids and steroid hormones. Because it is insoluble in water, cholesterol is transported to the blood through compounds made of lipids and proteins called lipoproteins. There […]

Various types of pain relief products and its limitations- Need of the hour for herbal based products

Pain is more than just a feeling of discomfort. It can affect the way you feel overall. It may also lead to mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety. When your joints are painful or your muscles ache, topical painkillers — those you apply to your skin — may offer relief. Pain-relief methods range from at-home treatments and […]

Do’s and Don’ts for better hair growth

Hair and sebaceous glands are collectively called that one fundamental unit which is responsible for hair production and these are penetrating up to the dermis of skin. Hair follicles form before the ninth week of foetal life. The hair matrix is the germinative part of hair follicle. Your hair begins growing from a root in […]

Diabetes and quality of life

Quality of life is an important health outcome representing the ultimate goal of all health interventions. General quality of life comprises several domains of life, and these are highly individualized. Quality of life is measured as physical, social functioning and mental well-being. There has been significant acknowledgement of the importance of assessing the impact of

Lifestyle changes to reduce pain

Pain can challenge or change the activities you choose to do, the thoughts you have and even the sleep you get. Pain will increase your stress and frustration, sapping your motivation and activity levels, and contributing to fatigue. With so many different sources of information, narrowing recommendations down and implementing new lifestyle changes can be confusing. […]

Pain and its mechanism behind!

Pain is an unpleasant feeling or body’s reflection telling us something isn’t right. Every person’s body is different, the pain perception and pain tolerance can differ so much from one person to another. Here are different classes of pain. Get to know what kind of pain you are going through. The most important thing to […]