Take Care of Your Skin This Summer

As temperatures keep rising, exposure to sunlight for long period leads can cause mild sun allergy to life threatening sun strokes. However, by knowing the basics of what happens with sun exposure and by taking some precautions, it is easy to take good care of your skin in hot summers.

Enhancing Immunity in Children

Immunity may be defined as the ability of a host to withstand harmful effects caused by micro-organisms and their products. Primary organs and tissues of immune system Thymus is the primary organ and Bone marrow is the primary tissue of immune system. Producing immunological competence on the lymphocytes is the main work of these organs. […]

Dry Skin – Reasons and Remedies

Dry skin is a common problem which is usually not serious. But it is uncomfortable and unsightly. It occurs at any age for many reasons. Skin becomes dry when it loses too much water or oil. Skin is the most vulnerable organ for environmental factors like hot and cold weather; low humidity. REASONS Age:  As […]

Tips For a Dandruff Free Scalp

What is Dandruff? Dandruff is a mild form of inflammatory disorder of skin in which small pieces of dry skin flake off from the scalp. Many people believe that dandruff is caused by poor hygiene but it is not true. Researchers are still finding the cause and common triggers are oily skin, stress, cold and […]

Cough – Causes and Classifications

Cough is one of the five cardinal symptoms of respiratory disease. The intensity of cough is not necessarily indicative of the severity of the causative disease. Cough reflex is activated by stimulation of irritant receptors in the airway. The act of coughing is a defence mechanism that helps to keep the lower respiratory passages clear. […]


Psoriasis is an immune mediated inflammatory disorder of skin. It comes with raised, red and scaly patches typically on the back of elbow, front of lower leg, scalp and back. The causes for psoriasis are not known yet but immune system and genetics play a major role as trigger factors. The skin cells of affected […]


Eczema and Dermatitis are common problems all over the world.  Eczema is non-contagious inflammation of the skin with redness, scaling, oozing and itching. Two factors are important in Eczema. First- an allergic or sensitive skin. Second- exposure to irritant. Familial sensitiveness is an important factor. Climatic extremes and stress also promote the development of

Protect yourself from Viral Diseases with these simple steps

Every year, the Monsoon season brings us much needed rain. But it also brings with it many unwanted diseases. This year Influenza and dengue have already started affecting people across the country.  However, if we follow some preventive measures, we can enjoy the rainy days without worrying about getting sick. Influenza virus infection is a […]

Safety Tips For Senile Skin/Aged Skin

Biological aging is a normal, natural and inevitable process. No one knows when old age begins and interesting point is that the biological age of the person is not identical with his chronological age. Human ageing is the time- related deterioration of the physiological functions necessary for survival and fertility. These changes occur independently and […]