Care your hair this summer effortlessly!

Summer heat can make your hair frizzy, flat, and dry. Prolonged sun exposure can lighten the hair, and sometimes, when dealing with artificial hair color, can alter the color to an undesired shade. So these summers make your hair ready to beat the heat. Let’s learn how to protect your hair from

Your skin needs extra care during summer!

Rapid fluctuations in weather can take its toll on our skin as it adjusts to the new environment.  Changes in temperature can wreak havoc on sensitive skin. Whether the summer sun has left your face burning and itchy, or winter dryness has produced redness and flakes, protecting skin in intense heat and cold is key. Remember […]

Role of cleanliness in preventing the infections.

It is must to keeping your environment clean—whether at home, work, school or the hospital—is an important way to prevent infection. Dangerous germs can take up residence anywhere. By keeping them to a minimum, you will reduce your chances of developing an infection and improve your health. Hygienic cleaning of hands is particularly important after […]

Summer and common hair problems

The season of sun—great for outdoor fun, but not always so awesome for your hair. There’s a lot to love about summer, but humidity and the resulting frizzy, dried out, sun ravaged hair is not among those reasons. Add the damage of wind, water and chlorine and our hair is in crisis mode all summer long. Luckily, […]

Nutrients required for women of all ages

Individual nutritional needs vary according to age and overall health status. Women have unique nutritional needs. Some requirements are specific to women, and they can also change during the lifespan. By eating well at every stage of life, you can control cravings, manage your weight, boost your energy, and look and feel your best. Healthy […]

Role of Immunity in combating various infections

Immunity – The Science of Staying Well. The state of protection from infectious disease (or) the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. The immune system defends our body against invaders such as viruses, bacteria and foreign bodies. They are made up of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work […]

Role of exercises in physical health & in reducing pain

Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting beyond normal tissue healing time, generally taken to be 12 weeks. It contributes to disability, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, poor quality of life and healthcare costs. Chronic pain has a weighted mean prevalence in adults of 20%. For many years, the treatment choice for chronic pain included recommendations […]