The best cosmetic is great looking skin

Everyone’s skin is different in tone, texture and features. Its needs and strengths will change over the course of your life. Skin’s health is influenced by several factors including pollution, stress and sun damage that over time chip away at your complexion and make it more prone to


STRESS – THE BANE OF MODERN EXISTENCE In today’s society, we thrive on performance, competition and perfection, which leads to  increase in stress levels. Stress causes damage that is often underestimated and it is a social phenomenon that should be closely examined and evaluated. These days, society and the workplace put an unparalleled level of […]


The age old wisdom of the people of every country has been crystallised into different systems of medicine and each nation has its own medical system/s. Some of these traditional medical systems are well established, supported by theories and rich experience and recorded in writing such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Traditional Chinese medicine. In […]

No pain is incurable. So ease your pain

How can be pain defined? A distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, sounds technical right? To be said in simpler terms, unpleasant feeling such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. What pain does to […]

Don’t let chronic pain be your nightmare

The world is full of unexplained pain that relates to a sensation of physical or emotional discomfort. By far the most important thing to understand about treating pain is that it is difficult because it almost never has one cause: it is extremely multifactorial. Causes of pain muscle strain cuts/injuries arthritis bone fractures Behavioural symptoms […]

The state of being immune

Immunity – the state of protection from infectious disease (or) the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. The immune system defends our body against invaders such as viruses, bacteria and foreign bodies. They are made up of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body. […]

New strategy of Blood purification effect to treat cough

What is cough? A cough is your body’s way of responding when something irritates your throat or airways. It can be the result of a respiratory tract infection such as the common cold, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pertussis or tuberculosis. New strategy to treat cough Cough occurs only because of an irritant reaction in the respiratory […]