Take Your Immune System to the Next Level

Immunity, as we all know, is our body’s ability to resist infections or illnesses. However, not all of us have a strong immune system, which is why even the slightest change in the weather, lifestyle or diet or even current viral outbreak make many of us fall sick. But your immunity can always


A new respiratory virus called COVID-19 is making headlines for causing an outbreak of respiratory illness throughout the world. Lakhs of people have become sick and public health officials are keeping a close watch on how the virus is spreading. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are actually common throughout the world and […]

Viral diseases and siddha system of medicine

The entire India has been reeling under the series of viral diseases from past year like Dengue, Nipha, H1N1 and now Corona virus added in this list recently. Outbreak of viral diseases always finds the news headlines because impact of viral diseases to the public health is more severe. The recent corona virus affects not […]

THE SUN AND THE SKIN – Skin care in summer

Day temperature is rising now and it will be more in upcoming days. Exposure to sunlight for long period leads few complications from mild sun allergy to life threatening sun stroke. Always keep in mind the adage, “Between eleven and three, stay under tree”.   The blazing sun and the scorching heat can be unforgiving, […]

Watch your Vitiligo getting disappear!

Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition that causes loss of skin colour characterized by white to pale pink patches and is a progressive hypo-melanosis. Melanocytes (Pigment-producing cells) are destroyed in certain areas or stop functioning in vitiligo conditions. It affects people of any age, gender or ethnic group. It’s not medically dangerous and not contagious too,


Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. A good head of hair provides some degree of warmth and protection […]