Ways to overcome pain in senior citizens

Stay safe in indoors is the advice from the all sides of world during COVID19 lockdown period for vulnerable population like people who are after 60 years and those who have co morbidity diseases. Staying indoors without physical activity is not only painful experience to mind but also increase the joint pains. Generally, senior citizens […]

Clean hands save lives!

Living in the era of a pandemic like COVID-19 has heightened everyone’s awareness about maintaining personal hygiene. One of the recommended ways to keep clean and hygienic is by washing your hands frequently using a hand wash or an alcohol based sanitizer. Handwashing will help you get rid of the germs keeping your hands clean. […]

Methods to lead a quality life

Siddha system of medicine preaches not only treating the diseases of human but also dictates that how to lead a quality life and disease free life. The system guides many daily disciplines for healthy and peaceful life. These daily routines are explained in detail under the heading,” Nithya Ozhukkam (Daily routines)” in literature. Nithya Ozhukkam […]

DRUGS Vs FOODS – Stay healthy in a right way.

Recent health crisis COVID-19 outbreak has been producing many unexpected things. One such thing is that drugs are sold as food supplements particularly which are common in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU) drug category. The best example is Kabasura kudineer. It is a siddha sastric medicine recommended in COVID-19 management by AYUSH ministry of India. […]

Pandemics of past

Recent health crisis induces to search the health fatalities of olden period. Though we are living in the world of developed science and technology, we have no concrete solution for COVID19 infection so far. In olden days, the mortality rate was high because we did not have facilities and drugs like now. The most fatal […]

Healthy Hands! Healthy Tomorrow!!

Personal health is in the spotlight more than ever. Living in a world of restless addiction to social media and constantly striving for more success and recognition, it’s easy to forget the connection between hand hygiene and health. After the outbreak of COVID-19 disease, maintaining of hand hygiene is the advice from all corners and […]

Immunity – The Science of Staying Well

Immunity refers to the body’s ability to protect itself from foreign invaders like viruses, disease and infection. So it is the strength of our immune system which decides who gets sick and who doesn’t. Fortunately, most of us are born with optimal immunity. Unfortunately, though, as we age because of environmental assaults and our less […]


After COVID-19 breakout, the siddha classical drug Kabasura kudineer is the talk of the state of Tamilnadu and now it is the house hold name of the state. State government of Tamilnadu and Kerala include the Kabasura kudineer as an add-on drug in the COVID19 management and the outcome of the results are encouraging so […]