Melanin and Vitiligo

Melanin- the natural protector of skin Skin pigment or Melanin does not just provide the skin colour but also it protects the skin from harmful UV rays. If melanin pigment is lost due to any infection, injury or due to auto immune diseases like vitiligo, the skin becomes extremely sensitive.

scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disorder that makes raised, reddish, often scaly patches. It can pop up as a single patch or several, and can even affect the entire scalp. It can also spread to the forehead, the back of neck or behind ears. It causes severe itching and discomfort. WHAT HAPPENS IN SCALP […]


Severe Psoriasis – Managing a flare-up Psoriasis is one of the most baffling and persistent of skin disorders. It’s characterized by skin cells that multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. As underlying cells reach the skin’s surface and die, their sheer volume causes raised, red plaques covered with white scales. Most common symptoms […]

psoriasis skin care

Treating psoriasis is tricky enough on its own. Put Together a Skincare Routine for Psoriasis Do not do anything to irritate your skin, as this will only make matters worse. Avoid using harsh cleansers, abrasive scrubs, hot water bath Stop using fragranced products, whether the scent is synthetic or natural. This will go a long […]

Psoriasis impact

Psoriasis has an influence on many spheres of patient’s life. It influences the mental image the patients have of themselves, indirectly shapes their personality traits as well as it defines the quality of their lives. Various factors may contribute to the lower quality of life of patients with psoriasis. The chronic nature of the disease […]

Summer skin and Hyperpigmentation

Summer skin and Hyperpigmentation Those first few days of sunny weather might be great news for your social calendar but not so much for your skin, especially if uneven pigmentation, dark spots, melasma or dry skin are already a concern. Hyperpigmentation and skin dryness get worsen during the summer months. Sun exposure triggers the production […]

Skin lightening effect

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin problem which occurs due to excess deposition of melanin on skin. The pigmentation process involves various steps such as enzyme activity, conversion of biomolecules, transfer of melanin pigment to skin cells etc. Therefore, the efficacy of any product meant for treating hyperpigmentation can be studied at any or all of […]

summer acne

Sun exposure and excessive heat in summer causes more sweating, skin burns, inflammation, tanning and sebum secretion. This in turn will induce acne due to deposition of excess sebum on skin, blocking of skin pores, adhesion of acne causing microbes. Follow the tips to protect your skin this summer: Cover your skin as much as […]


Let the ‘specialist’ ( Eve fresh pimple cure cream paste) and ‘professional’ ( Eve fresh cream) complete your treatment Dual therapy with Eve fresh pimple cure cream paste and Eve fresh cream is amongst the most effective and total treatment of acne and pimples form eruptions Get dual benefits of a specialist and a professional […]

Fungal Infections

Cutaneous fungal infections involve the skin, hair, and nails. The cutaneous mycoses are mainly caused by dermatophytes (such as Trichophyton sp., Microsporum sp. and Epidermophyton sp.) or by Candida sp. The desquamated stratum corneum (top layer of skin) cells form an ideal substrate for these fungi to colonise and multiply. The common symptoms are Peeling, […]